Who Has The Keys To Your Business?

As I write this I am sitting here staring at a set of keys I found while cleaning out my desk. The keys don’t belong to me. They belong to a business I use to work for a very long time ago. The one key opens both the front and back door to the main shop. The...

Do You Have 15 minutes?

If you are like me, you may dream of having just an extra hour each day to do ________________.  You fill in the blank. What would you do with an extra 60 minutes? Fill in the next three lines because if you know what you would spend an extra hour each day doing. ...

Life Tips

Some common life tips have always been: Drinking 8 glasses of water a day, get plenty of sleep, exercise, eat healthy, be kind to others, put money away into your savings, brush your teeth twice a day. These are all tips I try to do every day to make my life better...

Break-even to More Profits

You need to know your break-even point to get on the road to profitability.  The information needed to produce your break-even are your fixed costs and your variable costs and the selling price of your product. Fixed Costs are rent, salaries, utilities or any expense...

Making It Difficult

I was talking to an acquaintance the other day and he was telling me about a new business he was starting. He’s doing custom promo kiosks for local businesses. He was telling me a bit about his process and how he goes about creating the graphics. Long story...