by Jeff Mendelsohn | Apr 14, 2012 | Business Improvement, Business Planning, Personal Improvement, Planning for Business
I became an employee when I was 10 years old when I started mowing lawn and doing other work for my Dad at our rental properties. It wasn’t until I was 20 when I started my own business, that I thought I became a business owner. I actually became self employed....
by Linda Fayerweather | Apr 9, 2012 | Business Culture, Business Improvement, Business Management
I remember the feeling when I walked into my classroom as a child and saw my desk with my name on it or a cubby at day care with my child’s name one it. As a child, I felt I belonged and as a parent, I felt my child was welcomed to join the school adventure....
by Linda Fayerweather | Apr 2, 2012 | Business Improvement, Business Management
Have you ever stopped into a local business that has changed owners? Well, I did this weekend and it was a great experience at the Quilt Foundry. The layout was changed slightly, the marketing was now email and web based but the new owners and new staff were helpful,...
by Jeff Mendelsohn | Mar 31, 2012 | Personal Improvement
Humans are amazing. If we want to do something bad enough and believe we can, we will find a way. Take for example, the space race, (a little before my time I know, but I feel is one of our greatest achievements to date. Too bad it was for all the wrong reasons.) Back...
by Jeff Mendelsohn | Mar 24, 2012 | Business Improvement, Personal Improvement
Take time to improve your skills and knowledge. Take at least 1hr a week to learn something new. Read an article or a chapter in a book. Watch a tutorial. Go to a class, seminar, or training program. What ever it might be, take some time to improve your knowledge and...
by Tiffiny Fayerweather | Mar 19, 2012 | Employee Management, Financial
Small business owners who invest in wellness programs may see monetary benefits as well as a more productive staff. Research suggests that for every $1 spent on worksite health promotion programs, a company can see an average of $2.43 in savings related to fewer sick...
by Tiffiny Fayerweather | Mar 12, 2012 | Business Management, Employee Management
You know how your staff is performing; you know whether or not you want to give a raise to a deserving staff member, so why on earth do you need staff evaluations? For the small business owners who still do not give yearly evaluations, let me give you a few more...
by Jeff Mendelsohn | Mar 10, 2012 | Image & Marketing
Your email says a lot about you and your business. So much so that an email address can actually lose you business. An email address like all things a client or potential client see is part of your business’s image. Your business’s image is any thing your client or...
by Jeff Mendelsohn | Mar 3, 2012 | Business Management, Personal Improvement
For as long as I remember I’ve always had to complete what I started mentality. You can partly blame my parents for instilling such values. I can blame the rest on myself for pushing myself even further. But really is that such a bad thing? I don’t give up no matter...
by Jeff Mendelsohn | Feb 25, 2012 | Benchmarking, Business Improvement, Business Management, Financial
I can’t even remember but I know I spent more time than I should have. Did I even price it right? Who knows. I’m sure you have felt this way about a project at some point. It feels like you work and work and work, only to get done with the project and feel like the...