Ask the Right Question.

When it comes doing business it isn’t always about the money and it shouldn’t be. Beyond doing what you love. It should be about the client. Now, now, hold on, yes you need to make money to pay bills but if all you think about is making money, I doubt you...

All of Your Work Should be Good!

Saw this quote and found it’s origin on The Cynical Girl. A great way to look at your job – yup, you were hired to do a good job! Enjoy –Linda “I think good work stands on its own. And poor performance is poor performance. I shouldn’t have to...

Doing it Right

I was reading a book the other day and it quoted John Wooden. I didn’t know who he was but if you like basketball, apparently he was pretty awesome.  His famous quote is: “If you don’t have time to do it right, when will you have time to do it...