by Linda Fayerweather | Nov 9, 2012 | Changing Lanes Events
Maumee is starting the Holiday! You and start yours with Holiday Boutique and Open House of local artisans and gifts. Sunday November 11, 2012 1-4PM Clara J’s Tea Room and Neapolitan Gifts.
by Tiffiny Fayerweather | Nov 7, 2012 | Business Management, Customer Service & Culture, Employee Management
I will be very happy to wake up later in the week and not hear political campaign commercials on my television, radio or Pandora. I don’t know about you, but I feel this election has been very dirty. It is never okay in my book to make another look bad just to win a...
by Linda Fayerweather | Nov 6, 2012 | Business Planning, Goals
By the end of this week, the Holiday Music will begin. I like to think of this as the planning season to help create a stunning 2013. To make the most of a planning season, first stop obsessing about WHAT has happened and put your plan in place for what WILL...
by Jeff Mendelsohn | Nov 5, 2012 | Business Improvement, Image & Marketing
For the past month I have been working on correcting some issues with a mobile site. I wish from the start I could have redesigned the site but it is 99% done so all I was asked to do was fix a few small issues and add a few last features. After working on this site...
by Tiffiny Fayerweather | Oct 31, 2012 | Customer Service & Culture, Employee Management, Personal Improvement, Uncategorized
Ah, the time of year when people come together and give each other handfuls of body aches, sneezing, coughing and all other kinds of unmentionable ailments. It’s time for cold and flu season. So what does this have to do with business? Unless you have the...
by Linda Fayerweather | Oct 30, 2012 | Economics, Planning for Business, Trends
One of the most wonderful things about owning a small business is that you can look to the future, see a trend and take off in new directions. . . quickly. Most trends start with a “weak signal” like Ohio autumns start with foggy mornings in early fall – a weak...
by Linda Fayerweather | Oct 29, 2012 | Changing Lanes Events, Uncategorized
Get a Plan for a Fabulous 2013 – Register Today for Planning that works for you and your team. A Plan WILL make a difference for YOUR business! This workshop has Only 6 seats for savvy, open entrepreneurs who feel overwhelmed and time starved by the success of...
by Jeff Mendelsohn | Oct 29, 2012 | Goals, Personal Improvement
The people you surround yourself with have a greater influence on you than you think. Those people can have a direct influence on your success or failure. I recently ran into an old friend. We parted ways over 7 years ago because he stopped growing up. He was forever...
by Tiffiny Fayerweather | Oct 24, 2012 | Business Planning, Employee Management
Before your business hires its first staff member, take some time to sit down and create a handbook. Handbooks are a great tool for new staff member to go to when they have a question regarding basic rules and regulations. Many handbooks also come with a directory of...
by Linda Fayerweather | Oct 23, 2012 | Business Improvement, Business Management, Business Planning
Margin mar-gin: Noun to edge or the border of something; the difference which exists between net sales and to cost of merchandise sold; measure or degree of difference. We hear the word “margin” and its adjective “marginal” a lot during this...