Summer is Almost Here!

Summer is almost here and it has been one beautiful day after another. Many staff members as well as managers are turning their thoughts to golf, vacation, and other outdoor activities. Summertime temperatures may make you feel your staff has come to a slow crawl but,...

Facebook is a Huge Waste of Time

It is 11:50pm, I should be in bed but I’m sitting on Facebook scrolling through my newsfeed reading a few comments here and there. I looked at the clock again. 11:55pm. Why am I not in bed? What is so important about the posts on Facebook that I need to read...


 “We obtain brilliant results from average people operating brilliant processes. But we observe that most companies obtain mediocre or worse results from brilliant people working around broken processes.”– JP Womack  When systems or processes are put in place...

Do What I Say!

“The man who gets the most satisfactory results is not always the man with the most brilliant single mind, but rather the man who can best coordinate the brains and talents of his associates.”–Sir William Alton Jones We have all heard a manager joke...

Turning Your Competition Into a Friend

I consider competition a business that wants to see your business fail. They are usually unfriendly to you, talk bad about your business, and in general do everything they can to steal your customers. But just because another business does the same thing as you...

Get Your Fax Straight

If you own a fax machine chances are you have received numerous amounts of offers from companies wanting to sell you vacations, excel classes and employee handbooks. More than likely you ignore them or call the number to be removed from their list. It’s easy to ignore...