Time Suck

“Where has the time gone?” It’s a question we have all asked ourselves dozens of times. Time suck starts in seconds and can eventually eat up hours of our day. You may not even realize when it’s happening. It’s that quick conversation you had at the water cooler...

Labor Day

Labor Day is designed to honor ALL who labor – hope you have an restful day.  Enjoy some quotes and poem below to celebrate the fruits of your labors.  Have a great week. Thank you to all those people who labor and get very little recognition. This is your day! If you...

Deposits and Refunds

Every month I have several sales meetings with potential clients. Some work out, some don’t. It is the way business works. But something happened recently that made me rethink my policy and part of my contact.  I met with a potential client who had a fairly...

Anger at Work

Anger at work can sometimes get the best of us. We have all come to a time in our lives when we just let it out and then come to regret it later. Holding in anger as well as bottling it up is never good either way. The best course of action is to deal with it. Here...