Shutdown for Small Business 101

If you think the government shutdown has no affect on your small business, think again. Many programs aimed towards helping small businesses are temporarily closed and that means your business could have to wait for services such as small business loans and e-verify....

Business Plans Aren’t Set In Stone

Every business should have a business plan. But chances are it won’t hold up to reality. What? Why have a business plan then? Business Plans are here for one reason, to get you to think through your business by putting your thoughts on paper so you can see the...

Buzz Words

Recently, I found myself twice realizing that business buzz words are sometimes welcome and sometimes – not so much.  The welcoming event was when I was talking with a lean consultant and by each of us using buzz words we quickly were able to do that “get to know you...

Niche Building

“You gotta get a niche” is heard over and over and what I’ve seen is just finding the right micro market can be hard. Realize that most of us have some selected information or knowledge we can share.  Using the word NICHE, this is a simple way to...

Neat Receipts

Raise your hand if you hate that box of receipts you’ve been meaning to put into your financial program for the last 6 months or more. Just kidding, don’t raise your hand we all know I can’t see you anyway. But seriously, that box of receipts is out of control...

Decisive – the Wrap Process

Chip and Dan Heath have come out with another outstanding book:  Decisive: How to Make Better Choices in Life.  And who doesn’t want to make better choices?  The Heath Brothers present many examples of how we, as humans, don’t often get it right.  We have...