by Linda Fayerweather | Nov 3, 2013 | Uncategorized
If you don’t like something, change it. If you can’t change it, change your attitude. –Maya Angelou This month’s INC magazine was filled with great tips from leaders on becoming a leader and the short review is – to be a great leader...
by Tiffiny Fayerweather | Nov 3, 2013 | Organization, Personal Improvement
The end of the year is almost here! Now is the time to start the year end processes you should be doing to keep your business organized. Here are a few ways to make the new year a little less cluttered; Scan your receipts and invoices and electronically file them by...
by Jeff Mendelsohn | Nov 3, 2013 | Planning for Business
Every so often when I tell people I own a business they look at me in amazement. I’m asked all sort of questions like how did I start? Where did I get the money to start? How many hours a week do I work? Just to name a few. They often walk away is disbelief at...
by Linda Fayerweather | Oct 27, 2013 | Business Culture, Business Management, Employee Management
Why did you start your business? OR Why are you starting a business? When we started our businesses, most of us thought we had a great product or service and believed that we could provide it to customers and in the end make a great living. Too often, the business...
by Tiffiny Fayerweather | Oct 27, 2013 | Uncategorized
We have all done it at one point in our lives or another, that terrifying experience as a child trying to find a ghost. Oh the thrills it gave us to go on a hunt in the dark. So why does that experience have to end as an adult? It doesn’t. Everyday occurrences...
by Jeff Mendelsohn | Oct 21, 2013 | Personal Improvement
My cell phone is a huge part of my life. It is not only for personal use but I rely on it a lot for my business. If I were to loose my phone or if it was stolen I’d be pretty screwed like I talked about in this article I wrote earlier this year: It Is Not Just A...
by Linda Fayerweather | Oct 20, 2013 | Uncategorized
Less McKeown is CEO of Predictable Success and his recent book is “The Synergist: How to Lead Your Team to Predictable Success”. He is a regular contributor to INC magazine and his latest article is about the 3 sentences a leader should never say and the...
by Linda Fayerweather | Oct 13, 2013 | Business Improvement
“That which does not destroy us makes us stronger.” – Nietzsche Most businesses want to grow and often they use a fuzzy approach. If you’ve ever used a telescope, you learn very quickly that even a slight move of the scope will put you light years away...
by Tiffiny Fayerweather | Oct 12, 2013 | Business Planning, Economics
by John Arensmeyer – Founder and CEO, Small Business Majority Any time disaster hits, people want to track and quantify the damage. What was the financial impact of a hurricane, how many jobs were lost because of the financial collapse, how many homes were...
by Jeff Mendelsohn | Oct 12, 2013 | Uncategorized
It is 7:00pm on a Thursday. I’ve been here at work since 7:00am. I’ve had one break today and that was fifteen minutes so I could each lunch. I probably won’t leave here until 8:00pm. Tomorrow, I’ll be back here at 7:30am. I’ll also work...