Holiday Gift Giving

Buying Christmas gifts for family members is hard enough and now you have to buy something for your staff members too! Whether you want to give everyone the same gift across the board or make each one a little more personalized here are a few ideas: Gift Certificates...

Not that Question Again?

“Oh no, not that question, again.”  Yes, the holiday brings out lots of questions and many to the receiver are redundant, repetitious, silly or just plan head scratchers.  Questions I’ve answered repeatedly when working different jobs: Where are the...

Be Thankful

Have a Safe and Happy Thanksgiving for those in the USA. Our American Holiday is a reminder to be thankful, especiallywhen people start something new and it is successful.   Here are some inspirational quotes to help you get in the holiday mood:  “An optimist is a...

Your Commercials are Awful

I despise most commercials to the point where I will go out of my way to avoid them. I’ll change the channel, mute my speakers or TV, or even not watch a video online if the commercial is too intrusive. The one commercial that has been bothering me lately is a...

Saving Yourself Time

There’s only twenty-four hours in a day and you’re supposed to get seven to eight hours of sleep a night. Yeah right, more like five to seven hours of sleep if you’re lucky. If you’re dreaming of the mornings when you can sleep in for an extra thirty to sixty minutes...

Cheap Advertising

If you want to get in on the Holiday sales rush advertising some deals may be a good idea. Unfortunately, like many small businesses, if you haven’t budgeted for marketing you may be looking at a very small amount to work with. Let me tell you about some money saving...

Voicemail Virus Email – Ransomware

I want to give a little reminder/warning about a new virus that has been going around via email since two people I know have fallen for this email and now have a virus. One of them got a new ransomware virus.  First a reminder about detecting spam emails. The email is...