It’s Alive! Budgets that is.

Budgeting is alive and it is everywhere from federal spending all the way down to the cities we live in and organizations we work with on a daily basis. Although budget is not a four letter word, it is often treated that way. A budget goes hand and hand with a...

The Cost of Convenience

Like most people, I’m lazy. No wait let me rephrase that, I like things that make life easier; like the right tool for the job. But these conveniences, even though they make my life easier come at a price. A price that I don’t think most people think...

Expect the Unexpected

Be Prepared – the motto of Scouting, boys and girls, and a adage I hold dear.  To be prepared requires a little planning especially in an age of digital dependence.  With the season of storms upon us, we need to take stock in our businesses and be ready for...

Ethical Culture

Last year, JPMorgan Chase paid $15,600,000,000 (that is billion)  to settle two different charges on ethics that were part of the cause of the 2008 financial meltdown and their complacent knowledge of the Bernard Madoff scandal.  Both of these were ethical lapses and...

Good To Great Customer Service

The first step towards great customer service starts with the hiring process. Just because an applicant has a great attitude and demeanor, it does not mean that they will always have that on the floor with your customer. You need to ask the right questions to...