Recent Blog Posts
Does Your Business Have Curb Appeal?
Let’s say you’re in the market for buying a house and you go to view one that looks appealing in the ad. How does it look on the inside? The outside? What about the location? What is your general impression? Like your house, your business projects an image to...
Keeping a Log
While talking to a friend this past week, she was telling me about a co-worker that was very negative, rude, and in some ways would do things just to stop progress. Whether it is on purpose or not he causes a bad work environment. The problem is management doesn't see...
Responding to a Negative Post
Social media sites have given companies ways to communicate with people like never before. You can ask your fans how they like your newest product and get instant feedback good and bad. The good comments are great, but how do you respond when a fan posts a terrible...
Don’t Miss the Bus
We, in business, use the term "Bus" often as an abbreviation for business and we have a habit of saying "threw them under the bus" as an euphemism for blaming someone for something that didn't work. Thanks to Jim Collins, we also use the terms "get the right people...
Understanding Business Financial Satements for Non-Financial People
Put some Fun in the Numbers - Play the Game that helps the numbers make sense! Understanding Business Financial Statements for Non-Financial People Do your eyes glaze over when you look at your business Numbers?? Do you cringe when someone says "So how is your...
Actionable Advice
I was on Reddit the other day. Oh, who am I kidding. I'm on Reddit like 130 times a day. Anyway, someone posted a topic asking about what actionable advice did you wish you were told sooner. Here is a collection of my advice, some good advice from that topic, and...
Changing Lanes is NOT a Bowling Alley
This is a cautionary tale about information and how easily we can lose control over our brand/image/name. Cautionary from the viewpoint that if we put "noise, comments, images" on the internet - redacting, changing and correcting can be a long process. Even when...
Happy Client Survey
This past month I've talked to several potential clients about a new website and other services. They all had a common theme, they were all unhappy with their current web providers. When we talked about what my company could do for them it became apparent that their...
Effective Customer Communication
Have you noticed lately when you have a complaint to a company the voice on the other end offers a cheap discount and ends with “Is there anything else I can do for you?” Since when will it be okay to give three free months of a service that does not have anything to...
To Whine or not to Wine? You Decide.
If you are not working ON your business at least 5 hours a week, then maybe on your way home tonight you will want to pick up some cheese and crackers so when you “whine” you won’t be doing it on an empty stomach. In Michael Gerber’s The E-Myth Mastery as...