Recent Blog Posts
Think Young
If you own a business, strive to own one in the future, or are working for someone else, as the year comes to an end, we often think about change. If you were born before 1980, you might want to take some lessons from the Millennial Generation, these youngsters were...
An Experience Versus Product
It isn't all about the products/service, price or location, sometimes it comes down to what your customer experiences when they visit your store. I was talking to a potential client a few weeks ago. She owns a small pastry shop. In her shop she has an area where you...
Building Business Budgets
Business owners often have a love hate relationship with budgeting. The Fortune 1000 would not think about joining the next fiscal year WITHOUT a budget, so why is it so hard for the smaller business to do this time honored process. Here are the three areas I see...
Who Should Get Discounts?
It is always nice to give a discount to friends and family but it can really hurt your business if you don't have a clear policy in place. So who should you give a discount to and how much? To keep it simple, discounts are for people who fall into the following four...
Gift Ideas for Your Staff
Buying Christmas gifts for family members is hard enough and now you have to buy something for your staff members too! Whether you want to give everyone the same gift across the board or make each one a little more personalized, a conversation with your accountant...
The Danger of Market Timing and Selling Your Business
The other day, I was speaking with a successful business owner in her late fifties who runs a retail operation with over 40 employees. Even though she was tired and feeling very burnt-out, she was planning to wait another three to five years before selling her...
How Serious Do You Take a Complaint?
A few weeks ago I was at a local comedy club, per usual they ask you to turn off cell phones, keep your table talk to a minimum, no cameras, and just enjoy yourself. The group next to us had a really difficult time not talking. They didn't heckle the comedian but they...
Ask Changing Lanes – What are the basic parts of a business plan?
Question: What are the basic parts of a business plan? Answer: Oh, yes, the business plan which is often called the biggest term paper you will ever write. Well, that is if you are getting financing from someone other than your family or self. And yes, this is...
Holiday Shuffle
This is the time of year that everyone wants time off of work. Your staff has family dinners, holiday parties and lives to lead outside of work. The problem for small businesses is that everyone usually wants to same time. Trying to manage everyone’s requests can...
Does it Affect Any One Else?
This past week I had the pleasure of correcting someone's mess, yet again because they didn't think how their actions would affect other people. This person, we will call Gabe, changed every person's name, company name, and records on the test site because he was...