by Linda Fayerweather | Jun 16, 2014 | Business Management, Saving Time
If you are like me, you may dream of having just an extra hour each day to do ________________. You fill in the blank. What would you do with an extra 60 minutes? Fill in the next three lines because if you know what you would spend an extra hour each day doing. ...
by Linda Fayerweather | Jun 2, 2014 | Business Improvement, Customer Service & Culture
Chaos and Confusion are some small businesses’ response to customer service. You have probably even talked to some. I did when my cell phone died last year. When I called the customer service number, typed in my cell phone number twice, waited for 10 minutes and...
by Linda Fayerweather | May 19, 2014 | Uncategorized
You need to know your break-even point to get on the road to profitability. The information needed to produce your break-even are your fixed costs and your variable costs and the selling price of your product. Fixed Costs are rent, salaries, utilities or any expense...
by Linda Fayerweather | May 12, 2014 | Uncategorized
Budgeting is alive and it is everywhere from federal spending all the way down to the cities we live in and organizations we work with on a daily basis. Although budget is not a four letter word, it is often treated that way. A budget goes hand and hand with a...
by Linda Fayerweather | May 5, 2014 | Business Culture, Uncategorized
Be Prepared – the motto of Scouting, boys and girls, and a adage I hold dear. To be prepared requires a little planning especially in an age of digital dependence. With the season of storms upon us, we need to take stock in our businesses and be ready for...