Doing it Right

I was reading a book the other day and it quoted John Wooden. I didn’t know who he was but if you like basketball, apparently he was pretty awesome.  His famous quote is: “If you don’t have time to do it right, when will you have time to do it...

Success when Searching the Internet

About once a week I am asked by someone to find some sort of information, product, or service.  I usually have a good success rate of returning exactly what they are looking for or better. Which, I suspect (not really) is why I keep getting asked to find things. I...

Service/Product Overload

One of the best things about the technology age that we live in is all the different options when it comes to services and products. Look up any product or service and you will find hundreds of different choices, that can be from just one company! In theory this has...

Business Expo Networking

This past week we went to a local business expo. We didn’t have a booth but we were there to support other local businesses, network, and support the people who put on the expo. Over all it was a good expo. It was well organized, easy to find, in a good building...