by Jeff Mendelsohn | Sep 17, 2012 | Business Improvement, Image & Marketing, Personal Improvement
This past week I came across a blog post on Shopify. It contained 12 TED talk videos that were meant to inspire fellow Entrepreneurs/Wantrepreneurs. The one that stuck out for me the most was Simon Sinek: How great leaders inspire action. It really struck a nerve with...
by Jeff Mendelsohn | Sep 10, 2012 | Business Improvement, Employee Management, Personal Improvement
This past week I was reminded of a situation that I had to deal with a while ago. I helped on a small project, just fixing some bugs and finishing up some functions while the head developer was busy doing more important things. Everything was going fine till I...
by Jeff Mendelsohn | Sep 3, 2012 | Business Improvement, Selling
This week I got a reminder from a good business friend about the selling process that I want to share with everyone. A few lessons are from my friend and few are from me. When writing a proposal or when talking about a service/product, start from the beginning and...
by Jeff Mendelsohn | Aug 27, 2012 | Business Culture, Business Improvement, Personal Improvement
I helped a business friend work on a web site for one of his clients. We were making changes to their membership service site, a small dynamic site. Something that would take six to eight months. At first the experience was a huge mess. There was a VP of a department,...
by Jeff Mendelsohn | Aug 20, 2012 | Personal Improvement
This really isn’t an article about how to help your business, not yet at least but it is something that I am very excited about. A few weeks ago Google announced it is getting into the Internet Service Provider (ISP) business which they have titled as Google...